Source code for ratus.parse

from abc import ABC
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, cast

from ratus.token import Token, TokenLiteral, TokenType

[docs]class ParserError(Exception): """Exception raised when there is an error parsing."""
[docs]class Expression(ABC): """Base representation of an expression."""
[docs]class Literal(Expression, ABC): """Literal value.""" value: Any
[docs]@dataclass class Integer(Literal): """Integer literal.""" value: int
[docs]@dataclass class Float(Literal): """Float literal.""" value: float
[docs]@dataclass class String(Literal): """String literal.""" value: str
[docs]@dataclass class Function(Expression): """ Function call. Functions have a `name` which is used to look them up in the executor and a list of arguments that the function should be called with. """ name: str args: List[Expression]
[docs]class BinaryOpType(Enum): """Binary operation type.""" ADDITION = "+" SUBTRACTION = "-" MULTIPLICATION = "*" DIVISION = "/" EQUAL = "=" NOT_EQUAL = "!=" GREATER = ">" GREATER_EQUAL = ">=" LESS = "<" LESS_EQUAL = "<=" AND = "and" OR = "or"
[docs]@dataclass class BinaryOp(Expression, ABC): """ Binary operation. Binary operations have a type that maps them to the operation that is being performed and left and right operands upon which the operation is performed. """ op_type: BinaryOpType left: Expression right: Expression
[docs]class UnaryOpType(Enum): """Unary operation type.""" NOT = "!" NEGATIVE = "-"
[docs]@dataclass class UnaryOp(Expression, ABC): """ Unary operation. Unary operations have a type and a single operand upon which the action is performed. """ op_type: UnaryOpType operand: Expression
def _parse(tokens: List[Token]) -> Expression: expression, _ = _parse_expression(tokens) return expression def _parse_expression(tokens: List[Token]) -> Tuple[Expression, List[Token]]: if len(tokens) == 0: raise ParserError("Expression cannot be empty") if tokens[0].token_type is TokenType.STRING and isinstance(tokens[0], TokenLiteral): return String(tokens[0].literal), tokens[1:] if tokens[0].token_type is TokenType.IDENT and isinstance(tokens[0], TokenLiteral): return _parse_function(tokens) expr, rest = _parse_term(tokens) while len(rest) > 0: operator, *rest = rest if operator.token_type not in ( TokenType.PLUS, TokenType.MINUS, TokenType.GREATER, TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL, TokenType.LESS, TokenType.LESS_EQUAL, TokenType.EQUAL, TokenType.BANG_EQUAL, TokenType.AND, TokenType.OR, ): raise ParserError( f"Unexpected token after term {expr}. Expected operator '+', " "'-', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '=', '!=', 'and', 'or'." ) right_term, rest = _parse_term(rest) operator_type_mapping = { TokenType.PLUS: BinaryOpType.ADDITION, TokenType.MINUS: BinaryOpType.SUBTRACTION, TokenType.GREATER: BinaryOpType.GREATER, TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL: BinaryOpType.GREATER_EQUAL, TokenType.LESS: BinaryOpType.LESS, TokenType.LESS_EQUAL: BinaryOpType.LESS_EQUAL, TokenType.EQUAL: BinaryOpType.EQUAL, TokenType.BANG_EQUAL: BinaryOpType.NOT_EQUAL, TokenType.AND: BinaryOpType.AND, TokenType.OR: BinaryOpType.OR, } operator_type = operator_type_mapping[operator.token_type] expr = BinaryOp(operator_type, expr, right_term) return expr, [] def _parse_function(tokens: List[Token]) -> Tuple[Expression, List[Token]]: if len(tokens) < 3: raise ParserError(f"Tokens {tokens} do not form a valid function call") if tokens[1].token_type is not TokenType.LEFT_PAREN: raise ParserError( f"Expected left paren ('(') following call to function '{tokens[0].lexeme}'. Found '{tokens[1].lexeme}'" ) nesting = 0 end_of_function_call_idx = 0 for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if token.token_type is TokenType.LEFT_PAREN: nesting += 1 elif token.token_type is TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN: nesting -= 1 if nesting == 0: end_of_function_call_idx = i break else: raise ParserError( f"Unbalanced parentheses in call to function '{tokens[0].lexeme}'" ) func_token: TokenLiteral func_token = cast(TokenLiteral, tokens[0]) name = func_token.literal if len(tokens) == 3: return Function(name, args=[]), tokens[end_of_function_call_idx + 1 :] args_tokens, rest = _split_function_args(tokens[2:]) args = [_parse(arg_tokens) for arg_tokens in args_tokens] return Function(name, args=args), rest def _parse_term(tokens: List[Token]) -> Tuple[Expression, List[Token]]: term, rest = _parse_factor(tokens) while len(rest) > 0: operator, *rest = rest if operator.token_type not in (TokenType.STAR, TokenType.SLASH): return term, [operator] + rest # Based on the condition we know the operator token is STAR or SLASH right_factor, rest = _parse_factor(rest) operator_type_mapping = { TokenType.STAR: BinaryOpType.MULTIPLICATION, TokenType.SLASH: BinaryOpType.DIVISION, } operator_type = operator_type_mapping[operator.token_type] term = BinaryOp(operator_type, term, right_factor) return term, rest def _parse_factor(tokens: List[Token]) -> Tuple[Expression, List[Token]]: if tokens[0].token_type is TokenType.LEFT_PAREN: expr_end_index = 0 nesting = 0 for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if token.token_type is TokenType.LEFT_PAREN: nesting += 1 elif token.token_type is TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN: nesting -= 1 if nesting == 0: expr_end_index = i break expr_tokens = tokens[1:expr_end_index] expr = _parse(expr_tokens) return expr, tokens[expr_end_index + 1 :] return _parse_number(tokens) def _parse_number( tokens: List[Token], bang_allowed=True, minus_allowed=True ) -> Tuple[Expression, List[Token]]: if len(tokens) == 0: raise ParserError(f"Expected int or float token but none were found") if tokens[0].token_type is TokenType.INT and isinstance(tokens[0], TokenLiteral): return Integer(tokens[0].literal), tokens[1:] if tokens[0].token_type is TokenType.FLOAT and isinstance(tokens[0], TokenLiteral): return Float(tokens[0].literal), tokens[1:] if tokens[0].token_type is TokenType.MINUS and minus_allowed: operand, rest = _parse_number(tokens[1:], bang_allowed=False) return UnaryOp(UnaryOpType.NEGATIVE, operand), rest if tokens[0].token_type is TokenType.BANG and bang_allowed: operand, rest = _parse_number(tokens[1:], minus_allowed=False) return UnaryOp(UnaryOpType.NOT, operand), rest raise ParserError(f"Unexpected token {tokens[0]}. Expected an int or float") def _split_function_args(tokens: List[Token]) -> Tuple[List[List[Token]], List[Token]]: nesting = 1 arg: List[Token] = [] function_args: List[List[Token]] = [] while len(tokens) > 0: token = tokens.pop(0) if token.token_type is TokenType.LEFT_PAREN: nesting += 1 elif token.token_type is TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN: nesting -= 1 if nesting == 0: function_args.append(arg) return function_args, tokens if nesting == 1 and token.token_type is TokenType.COMMA: function_args.append(arg) arg = [] else: arg.append(token) raise ParserError("Function call does not have closing paren (')')") class Parser: def parse(self, tokens: List[Token]): return _parse(tokens)